Talking Europe 2019
Talking Europe is a project that allows to discuss European politics, one on one, with simultaneous interpretation, so language is not a barrier to the dialogue.
Talking Europe is a project that allows to discuss European politics, one on one, with simultaneous interpretation, so language is not a barrier to the dialogue.
Please, access here the short video on the Celebratory Ceremony of the Human Rights Day 2018, at Museu do Oriente, in Lisbon.
On the 10th of December, it was hold the Celebratory Ceremony of the Human Rights Day –to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, at Museu do Oriente, Lisbon.
Only three days to the Celebratory Ceremony of the Human Rights Day Have you enrolled yet? Not yet?
No próximo dia 10 de Dezembro, realizar-se-á a sessão comemorativa do Dia Internacional dos Direitos Humanos.
On the 10th of December, 2016, the League celebrated the Human Rights Day at Auditorium JJ Laginha, at ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute.
Keep up with the latest updates about the League and other news related to the Human Rights.