The Beginning

On April 3rd, 1921, at the Hall of “AteneuComercial de Lisboa”former President of the Republic Mr. Teófilo Braga founded the Portuguese Human Rights League, rooted on the French Human Rights and of the Citizen League, founded on June 4th, 1898 in Paris, France. de 1898, em Paris.

Presided by Sebastião de Magalhães Lima, the Directory was formed by theVice Chairman Luz de Almeida and seven vocals: Estêvão da Silva, Carlos de Lemos, Luís de Melo Ataíde, Agostinho Fortes, Álvaro Neves, Carneiro de Moura and Ramos Paiva.

The Ruling Status were approved on April 21st, 1922 and submitted to the Lisbon Civil Government. The provisory headquarters was at Rua do Mundo, no. 92, 2nd floor.

Image from Sebastião de Magalhães Lima
Sebastião de Magalhães Lima - Image: Wikipedia

During Dictatorship Time

Fusion of the League

Liga Portuguesa dos Direitos Humanos - Civitas

On December 15th, 2008, the League merged with CIVITAS – Association for the Defence and Promotion of Citizens’ Rights, and, since then, its present denomination is Portuguese Human Rights League – Civitas.

CIVITAS was founded in 1989 and its 1st General-Assembly was held at Sociedade Nacional das Belas Artes presided by Magalhães Mota, with the secretaries Vasco Lourenço and Sá Machado.

Vitor Alves and Helena Cidade Moura spoke in the name of the Founding Committee and Vítor Melícias, Fernando Amaral, Natália Correia, Domingos Moura and José SanchesOsório intervened as associates.