On June 20th, World Refugee Day, the Portuguese Human Rights League – Civitas, united to all European Leagues, defends that: the Lives of the Refugees have to stop being used as exchange currency amongst countries; and Europe has to come together and share solidarity on shelter effort and defend the values signed in by the Member-States which are the keystone of its foundation.

Monthly, to seek protection, Europe receives refugees that run away from war and all sort of persecutions in their home country, namely Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Eritrea, and now from Albania and Venezuela, amongst others.

The reform of the Common European Asylum System shall take into account the tragedy that move these Human Beings to become Refugees and stop sending them to countries that are overpopulated and in which life conditions may not be accepted, as in Turkey, where one can find more than 500 thousand refugees from Syria in Istanbul, and nearly 4 million in the country. In Jordan the number is above 655 thousand refugees from Syria, according to the numbers of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and in Lebanon the number is above 1 million.