The ‘Liga Portuguesa dos Direitos Humanos – Civitas’ was present at the Information Session on the reception of Ukrainian refugees, promoted by the Lisbon City Hall, yesterday, at Fórum Lisboa.
Present at the table were Dr. Laurinda Alves, Lisbon City Council Councillor for Human and Social Rights, Dr. Rosário Farmhouse, President of the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Young People (CNPDPCJ), Dr. Marlene Jordão, coordinator of the National Center for Support of Migrant Integration (ACM) and Dr. Sérgio Cintra, administrator of Santa Casa da Misericórdia.
Liga Portuguesa dos Direitos Humanos – Civitas notes with displeasure the absence of Dr. Sónia Almeida, assistant of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor.
We must emphasize the enormous desire for help and humanitarian support shown by the Portuguese, who, through their own efforts, have multiplied themselves in offers of help and in trying to help in any way they can. This has been present until now and was reinforced by the people who were present at Forum Lisbon, many of whom already have Ukrainians staying in their homes. The forces of Civil Society as well as the municipalities have truly led the way.
You can review the session on Youtube through this link.
Information/Clarifications provided:
The Portuguese Government has launched an online portal, where it is centralizing all requests for help, offers of help, and information:
The Lisbon City Hall also provides contacts for support and questions:
Phone Number: 800 910 111
Dr. Laurinda Alves warned that the connection between the offers of reception and the needs of the refugees have primacy of treatment and the more general offers of help are being processed with greater delay but are not forgotten.
Emergency reception at the Temporary Reception Center, installed at the PSP pavilion in Campolide, intended for initial reception, with people staying at a nearby hotel. There is some support in terms of documentary bureaucracy and the average length of stay is expected to be 3 days.
Afterwards, people are referred to the more durable temporary housing solutions, most of which are apparently offered by volunteers and civil society.
Alto Comissariado para as Migrações has 4 service centers at a national level, which offer various support services to refugees (Lisbon, Porto, Faro and Beja).
Application for Temporary Protection with the Portuguese State: an online service was created for registration of refugees arriving in Portugal, residing in Ukraine (not exclusive to Ukrainians, but residents in Ukraine, affected by the War). This temporary protected status lasts for one year, and can be extended for another year, and offers registration and access to the following documents:
- Title of Residency;
- Tax Identification Number (NIF);
- Social Security Identification Number (NISS);
- National Health Service User Number (SNS).
More information at:
Online registration service:
Unaccompanied children: their registration must be made in person at the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF). There is a clear and known danger of the possibility of human trafficking, whose risk with unaccompanied minors is much greater.
More information at:
Present at the session were leaders of an association founded by Ukrainians living in Portugal who quickly organized themselves to support and also need all the help they can get:
“Ukrainian Refugees UAPT”
Support Contact Summary:
National contact point
Phone No.: +351 218 106 191
Phone No.: 808 257 257
Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 9 am to 8 pm and Saturday, 9 am – 5 pm
(Contacts of the National Migrant Helpline, with translation service into Ukrainian, provided by the High Commission for Migrations)
CNAIM North Division
Address: Av. de França, 316 – Edifício Capitólio, 4050-276 Porto
Working Hours: weekdays, Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm
Phone No.: 22 207 38 10 | E-mail:
CNAIM Lisbon Divison
Address: Rua Álvaro Coutinho, 14, 1150-025 Lisboa
Working Hours: weekdays, Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm
Phone No.: 21 810 61 00 | E-mail:
CNAIM Beja Division
Address: Edifício Administrativo do Parque de Feiras e Exposições Manuel de Castro e Brito – Av. Salgueiro Maia, s/n, 7800-552 Beja
Working Hours: weekdays, from 9 am to 12:30 pm and from 2 pm to 5:30 pm
Phone No.: 967 071 313 | E-mail:
CNAIM Algarve Division
Address: Loja de Cidadão – Mercado Municipal, 1.º Piso, Largo Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, 8000-151 Faro
Working Hours: weekdays, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 5 pm
Lisbon City Hall Contact Point
Phone Number: 800 910 111
Finally, the Liga Portuguesa dos Direitos Humanos – Civitas:
- It salutes the generosity of the Portuguese people and their commitment to support the victims of this war, as well as the efforts and initiatives of Portuguese municipalities and businesses;
- It calls on the Central Government to become more assertively involved in the relief efforts carried out by Civil Society, and to prepare contingency plans now for a larger influx of refugees so that it is not caught off guard;
- It calls for improved service delivery by the SEF, whose attendance is extremely deficient for the needs. With the influx of refugees expected to arrive in Portugal, its services will be even more scarce;
- It again condemns in the strongest terms the destruction and indiscriminate killing of civilians being carried out by the Russian Federation in Ukraine.