There will be a message from the H.E. the President of the Republic and H.E. Minister of Justice will address the public.
Next 10th of December, at 5h30p.m., in Auditorium of Museu do Oriente, in Lisbon, it will be held the celebratory ceremony of the Human Rights Day, that marks the 71st Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
Opening Session by Mr. Carlos Monjardino, from the Supervisory Council of the Portuguese Human Rights League – Civitas. The ceremony will hold interventions from: H.E. Minister of Justice, Ms. Francisca Van Dunem, President of the Portuguese Human Rights League – Civitas, Mr. Vitor Graça, and the former President of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Ms. Virgínia Brás Gomes.
One of the most important moments in this ceremony will be the tribute to Ms. Teresa Tito de Morais, founder of the Center for Refugees. Former high-commissar for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities (ACIME), Mr. Jorge Leitãowill present a tribute to Ms. Teresa Tito de Morais, and Mr. Fernando Lima, President of the National Plenary of the League, will handed over the Badge of Honor of the Portuguese Human Rights League – Civitas.
Additionally, to the panelists, there will be cultural moments by group BatotoYetu Portugal, Nuno Flores and Silvestre Fonseca, Paulo Matos and Filomena Gonçalves, Anabela, Carlos Gomes and Valter Rolo.
A message from H.E. the President of the Republic,Mr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will be presented to the public.

Enrollment is free under registration and according to the maximum occupancy of the room. Those who are interested shall enroll here.
In: Jornal I
Image: Miguel Silva