It entered into force the law no.60/2018, August 21st, that: approves the measures to promote equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value.
It is the first changed to the Law no.10/2001, of May 21st, that institute an annual report on equal opportunities for men and women, to the Law no.105/2009, of September 14th, that rules and changes the Labour Code and to the Decree-Law no. 79/2012, of March 26th, that approves the organic of the Commission for Equality in Work and Employment (CITE).
From now on, companies have to secure, and in case of that, to demonstrate that they apply a transparent payment policy, based on evaluation of the functions and in objective and common criteria to both genders, under the article 31, of the Labour Code. This shall be reflected in an “evaluation plan of the remunerations differences” to be implemented during 12 months, if the company is notified to do so by the Authority for the Work Conditions (ACT), the Portuguese competent authority to labour relations, safety and health at work.
Embodied in the diploma it is stressed that the competent entity to equal opportunities for men and womento issue decisions on the existence of remuneration discrimination on gender for work of equal value complain presented by the worker or by the representative trade union, is, currently, the Commission for Equality in Work and Employment (CITE).
The League congratulates this step of promotion to end discrimination amongst gender.
The referred law may be access here.